CIMB Niaga Bank Code and How to Transfer

kode bank cimb niaga

Last updated on February 14th, 2025 at 09:39 am

Entering the bank code is a crucial step when making interbank transfers. A bank code, also known as a transfer code, serves as a unique identifier that ensures the funds you send arrive at the destination bank correctly.

This code makes it easier for servers, staff, and customers to recognize the identity of the recipient's bank, reducing the risk of transfer errors. Mistakes in entering the code can result in delays, additional fees, or even loss of funds. Therefore, it is important to know the correct bank code, including the CIMB Niaga bank code, so that your transactions run smoothly.

This article will discuss more about CIMB Niaga transfer codes and tips to avoid mistakes. Check out the complete information below!

CIMB Niaga Bank Code

Tiap bank, termasuk CIMB Niaga memiliki kode bank yang khusus dan tidak sama dengan bank lain. Kode unik ini memungkinkan identifikasi mudah saat mentransfer dana dari bank yang berbeda. Untuk CIMB Niaga, kode transfer yang digunakan adalah 022, which applies to both conventional and Islamic banks.

CIMB Niaga Syariah Bank Code

Seperti kode-kode bank lainnya, kode Bank CIMB Niaga Syariah memiliki peran penting dalam mengidentifikasi transaksi dan mencegah kesalahan dalam transfer antar bank. Kode untuk Bank CIMB Niaga maupun CIMB Niaga Syariah sama yaitu dengan kode bank 022.

Read Also: The most complete list of Cimb Niaga branch codes

Products Provided by Cimb Niaga Bank

CIMB Niaga Bank offers a variety of financial products and services including:

  • Savings, various types of savings for personal and business needs.
  • Credit Cards, various types of credit cards with different benefits and programs.
  • Home Ownership Credit (KPR), a financing solution for home ownership.
  • Unsecured Credit (KTA), a loan without collateral that can be used for various purposes.
  • Secured Loans, loans secured by collateral for a specific purpose.
  • Bancassurance, offering insurance products through banking services.
  • Waqf, a program to support philanthropic and social activities.

In addition, banks also provide digital services such as applications. mobile banking, digital payment services, access via website, as well as various other services such as remittances, points or rewards collection services, and the latest information on ongoing promotions.

Additional help and information is also available, such as contact information, branch locations, forms, safety tips, COVID-19 related guidance, and privacy notices to provide customers with the support and information they need.

How to Transfer Using Cimb Niaga Bank Code

You have two options for transferring to CIMB Niaga Bank, namely via ATM or via the application. m-banking. Making a transfer via ATM may be something familiar to you, here are the steps:

You just need to go to the nearest ATM, insert the card, look for the menu 'Transfer', choose ‘Other Bank Transfer’, and when entering the account number, there is usually an option ‘Kode Bank’ in the bottom corner of the screen. There, you can search and select CIMB Niaga, with its bank code being 022. You can enter the bank code at the beginning of the recipient's account number.

While if you use the method m-banking it will be easier and faster, you can use the application m-banking from your account that can be downloaded via Play Store or App Store. The steps are not much different and tend to be easier. Just follow the guide provided by the application until your transaction can be successfully carried out.

Read Also: The Most Complete List of Bank Codes for Fund Transfer Needs

CIMB Niaga Bank Customer Facilities

In addition to just knowing the CIMB Niaga bank code and making a transfer to the customer's account, it is advisable to consider using the account so that in the future you will no longer need to pay transfer fees. As a CIMB Niaga customer, there are various profitable facilities that can be enjoyed.

One of the facilities offered by CIMB Niaga is access to facilities airport lounge. After registering as a customer, it is recommended to create a CIMB Niaga credit card in order to take advantage of this facility. Not only that, another advantage is the possibility of obtaining TabunganKu facilities, a type of savings at CIMB Niaga that allows customers to save without being charged a monthly administration fee. 

Other Indonesian Bank Codes

In addition to the CIMB Niaga Bank code and the CIMB Niaga Syariah Bank code, there are a number of other Indonesian bank codes registered.

No. Bank Name Code
1 Bank BCA 014
2 Mandiri Bank 008
3 Bank BNI 009
4 Bank Syariah Indonesia (former BNI Syariah)* 427
5 Bank BRI 002
6 Bank Syariah Indonesia (former Mandiri Syariah) 451
7 CIMB Niaga Bank 022
8 CIMB Niaga Sharia Bank 022
9 Bank Muamalat 147
10 National Pension Savings Bank (BTPN) 213
11 JENIUS 213
12 Bank Syariah Indonesia (eks BRI Syariah) 422
13 Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) 200
14 Permata Bank 013
15 Bank Danamon 011
16 Bank BII Maybank 016
17 Bank Mega 426
18 Bank Sinarmas 153
19 Bank Commonwealth 950
20 Bank OCBC NISP 028
21 Bank Bukopin 441
22 Bank BCA Syariah 536
23 Citibank 031
24 Bank Ekspor Indonesia 003
25 Bank Panin 019
26 Bank Arta Niaga Kencana 020
27 Bank Jabar dan Banten (BJB) 110
28 Bank DKI 111
29 BPD DIY 112
30 Bank Jateng 113
31 Bank Jatim 114
32 BPD Jambi 115
33 BPD Aceh, BPD Aceh Syariah 116
34 Bank Sumut 117
35 Bank Nagari 118
36 Bank Riau 119
37 Bank Sumsel Babel 120
38 Bank Lampung 121
39 Bank Kalsel (Kalimantan Selatan) 122
40 Bank Kalbar (Kalimantan Barat) 123
41 Bank Kaltimtara (Kalimantan Timur dan Utara) 124
42 Bank Kalteng (Kalimantan Tengah) 125
43 Bank Sulselbar (Sulawesi Selatan dan Barat) 126
44 Bank SulutGo (Sulawesi Utara dan Gorontalo) 127
45 Bank NTB, NTB Syariah 128
46 BPD Bali 129
47 Bank NTT 130
48 Bank Maluku Malut 131
49 Bank Papua 132
50 Bank Bengkulu 133
51 Bank Sulteng (Sulawesi Tengah) 134
52 Bank Sultra 135
53 Bank Banten 137
54 Bank UOB Indonesia 023
55 American Express Bank LTD 030
56 JP. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A 032
57 Bank of America, N.A 033
58 ING Indonesia Bank 034
59 China Construction Bank Indonesia 036
60 Bank Artha Graha Internasional 037
61 Bank Credit Agricole Indosuez 039
62 The Bangkok Bank Comp. LTD 040
63 The Hongkong & Shanghai B.C. (Bank HSBC) 041
64 The Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ LTD 042
65 Bank DBS Indonesia 046
66 Bank Resona Perdania 047
67 Bank Mizuho Indonesia 048
68 Standard Chartered Bank 050
69 Bank Keppel Tatlee Buana 053
70 Bank Capital Indonesia 054
71 Bank BNP Paribas Indonesia 057
72 Korea Exchange Bank Danamon 059
73 Bank BJB Syariah 425
74 Bank ANZ Indonesia 061
75 Deutsche Bank AG. 067
76 Bank Of China 069
77 Bank Bumi Arta 076
78 Bank Ekonomi 087
79 Bank JTRUST 095
80 Bank Mayapada 097
81 Bank Nusantara Parahyangan 145
82 Bank of India Indonesia 146
83 Bank Mestika Dharma 151
84 Bank Metro Express (Bank Shinhan Indonesia) 152
85 Bank Maspion Indonesia 157
86 Bank Ganesha 161
87 Bank Windu Kentjana 162
88 Halim Indonesia Bank (Bank ICBC Indonesia) 164
89 Bank Harmoni International 166
90 Bank QNB Kesawan (Bank QNB Indonesia) 167
91 Bank Woori Saudara 212
92 Bank Swaguna 405
93 Bank Bisnis Internasional 459
94 Bank Sri Partha 466
95 Bank Jasa Jakarta 472
96 Bank Bintang Manunggal 484
97 Bank Bumiputera (Bank MNC) 485
98 Bank Yudha Bhakti 490
99 Bank BRI Agro 494
100 Bank Indomonex (Bank SBI Indonesia) 498
101 Bank Royal Indonesia 501
102 Bank Alfindo (Bank National Nobu) 503
103 Bank Syariah Mega 506
104 Bank Ina Perdana 513
105 Bank Harfa 517
106 Prima Master Bank 520
107 Bank Persyarikatan Indonesia 521
108 Bank Dipo International (Bank Sahabat Sampoerna) 523
109 Bank Akita 525
110 Liman International Bank 526
111 Anglomas Internasional Bank 531
112 Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi 535
113 Bank BCA Syariah 536
114 Bank Artos IND 542
115 Bank Purba Danarta 547
116 Bank Multi Arta Sentosa 548
117 Bank Mayora Indonesia 553
118 Bank Index Selindo 555
119 Centratama Nasional Bank 559
120 Bank Fama Internasional 562
121 Bank Mandiri Taspen Pos 564
122 Bank Victoria International 566
123 Bank Harda 567
124 BPR KS 688
125 Bank Agris 945
126 Bank Merincorp 946
127 Bank Maybank Indocorp 947
128 Bank CTBC (China Trust) Indonesia 949

Memorizing bank codes is not a trivial matter, because bank codes are the main key when you want to transfer funds between banks, where bank codes function to ensure that your funds reach the right destination.

Read Also: How to Transfer Money from Abroad to Indonesia

Especially, if you are a CIMB Niaga customer, it is important for you to take notes CIMB Niaga bank code to make it easier for you to transfer funds between banks as you have read in the previous information.

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