6 Aplikasi Kirim Uang ke Luar Negeri Mudah dan Terbaik

aplikasi pengiriman uang ke luar negeri

Siapa bilang mengirim uang ke luar negeri itu rumit? Oleh karena itu tidak perlu khawatir karena ada 6 aplikasi kirim uang ke luar negeri, pengalaman kirim uangmu akan lebih cepat, aman dan mudah. Ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang 6 aplikasi ini? Yuk, kita bahas bareng 6 aplikasi kirim uang ke luar negeri yang wajib kalian coba! 

Western Union

Let's start with the first international money transfer app, Western Union. Western Union Group is a leading global money transfer service provider, with a global reach of services at 510,000 locations across 200 countries and listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

Western Union offers various methods for sending and receiving money, including bank transfers, where senders can make payments through online banking services.

Receivers can get the money on the same day or within 5 working days, depending on the sender and receiver's locations.

In essence, Western Union simplifies your money transfer process, making it convenient, secure, and swift. Think of it as a money delivery superhero.


Who isn't familiar with PayPal? It's not just an ordinary online payment tool; it's like a loyal companion for your online transactions. Need to shop for items from abroad? PayPal? Aplikasi ini bukan hanya alat pembayaran daring biasa, tetapi dapat diibaratkan seperti sahabat setia untuk urusan transaksi online. Mau belanja barang dari luar negeri? PayPal is the answer! 

With PayPalyou can handle transactions, from simple to complex, quickly and securely. It's not just for shopping, you can also use it to transfer funds to friends or family worldwide. 

If you want to send money abroad, the recipient must have a PayPal account. They can then transfer funds from their PayPal account to their personal bank account if they wish to withdraw the balance.

Want to know more? Stay tuned because PayPal is here to make your transactions simpler and more efficient. Stay tuned, karena PayPal siap membantu kalian bertransaksi dengan lebih simpel dan efisien. 


The third international money transfer app we're discussing is Azimo. Azimo is your reliable companion in your global money adventures!

Quick and easy, your money can cross continents and oceans, reaching the recipient's hands in minutes. Azimo connects you to over 190 recipient countries and offers over 80 currencies for your convenience. 

Say goodbye to the hassle of international transactions; Azimo is here to make it fast and secure! Azimo siap membantumu melakukannya dengan cepat dan aman!


Next, let's talk about Wise, Wise was born in the financial hub of London in 2011, changing the game of international transfers. 

What's its advantage? It offers fast transfers, low fees, and truly fair exchange rates. No need to visit a bank or money changer; everything can be done from your phone or laptop. 

Wise isn't just an app; it's a financial revolution. With over 2,400 talents in 17 global offices, Wise has connected more than 10 million active users in 59 countries, including Indonesia, to this advanced service. 

So, you no longer need to worry about international transactions, Wise is here to simplify and provide the best!


The fifth international money transfer app is MoneyGram, a trusted solution for fast and reliable money transfer needs! It's not just the name, MoneyGram has strong partnerships with well-known banks in Indonesia, such as BCA, CIMB Niaga, Bank Mega, Bank Mutiara, and Bank BTN, as well as non-banking institutions like Pacto and Adisena.

MoneyGram, opens the global gateway to financial services and money transfers. With MoneyGramyour financial transactions will be smoother and more efficient. 


Selanjutnya, aplikasi terakhir untuk kirim uang ke luar negeri yang wajib kalian coba adalah Easylink. Inilah jawaban untuk kalian yang mencari solusi terdepan dalam melakukan pengiriman uang ke luar negeri Easylink!

With official authorization Bank Indonesia, Easylink opens the door to ease in sending money to 170+ countries, even in the destination country's local currency and USD.

Transaksi 100% online, mulai dari registrasi hingga pengiriman uang, semuanya bisa kalian lakukan dari kenyamanan tempat duduk kalian saat ini. Sayangi waktumu, dan pilih Easylink for business!

6 aplikasi kirim uang ke luar negeri


Jadi, kalian mau coba gunakan aplikasi to send money abroad yang mana nih? Bagi kalian yang menginginkan pengalaman kirim uang ke luar negeri yang cepat, efisien, dan penuh keuntungan, Easylink is the right choice! 

Why? Easylink facilitates money transfers to more than 170+ countries, including local currencies like the Korean won, Japanese yen, and others, with the full amount.

Furthermore, Easylink offers competitive rates to ensure you get the best deal.

Dan yang pasti, kirim uang hanya dalam beberapa menit saja! Tunggu apa lagi? kirim uang ke luar negeri dan rasakan sendiri kemudahan dan kecepatannya dengan Easylink. 

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