In the banking world, every bank and its branches have a unique code used to identify the specific location of a branch office. One of the important codes frequently used in banking transactions is the branch code. This article will provide a comprehensive discussion on BNI's branch code, including how to find it and a complete list of BNI branch codes in Indonesia.
What is BNI's Branch Code?
List of contents
BNI's branch code is a unique code assigned to each branch of Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI). This code is used for various banking transactions, such as inter-branch fund transfers, deposits, or withdrawals at a specific branch.
Branch code is different from BNI's bank code, which is the primary identification code for the bank in the national banking system. While BNI's bank code is 009, the branch code consists of additional digits that indicate the specific location of a branch.
How to Find BNI's Branch Code
There are several ways to find BNI's branch code, including:
- Through Your Passbook: The branch code is usually printed on the first page of your passbook.
- Via Internet Banking or Mobile Banking: Log in to your BNI account and look for information about the branch where your account was opened.
- Contact BNI Customer Service: You can call BNI's customer service at 1500046 to inquire about the branch code of a specific branch.
- Visit the Nearest BNI Branch: Ask the staff at the branch for the branch code you need.
- Through BNI's Official Website: Some branch information, including branch codes, can be found on BNI's official website.
Read Also: Easy Way to Transfer Money Abroad via BNI
BNI Syariah Branch Code
The bank code for BNI Syariah is 427, which is now used by Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI). However, for customers still looking for the branch code of former BNI Syariah branches, it is recommended to check directly with Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI). Here are some ways to check the branch code of former BNI Syariah branches, now part of BSI:
- Contact BSI customer service at 14040.
- Check through BSI Mobile Banking.
- Visit the nearest BSI branch.
List of BNI Branch Codes in Indonesia
Below are some examples of BNI branch codes from various cities in Indonesia:
Code | Branch | City |
9000 | BNI Head Office | Jakarta |
9001 | BNI JKT-Sudirman | Jakarta Pusat |
9002 | BNI JKT-Tanjung Priok | Jakarta |
9003 | BNI JKT-Jatinegara | Jakarta Timur |
9004 | BNI JKT-Melawai Raya | Jakarta |
9007 | BNI JKT-Gambir | Jakarta |
9008 | BNI JKT-Dukuh Bawah | Jakarta |
9009 | BNI JKT-Tebet | Jakarta Selatan |
9010 | BNI BDG-Asia Afrika | Bandung |
9011 | BNI JKT-Pasar Mayestik | Jakarta Selatan |
9012 | BNI JKT-Kramat | Jakarta Pusat |
9014 | BNI JKT-Roa Malaka | Jakarta |
9015 | BNI JKT-Menteng | Jakarta Pusat |
9016 | BNI JKT-Pecenongan | Jakarta |
9019 | BNI JKT-Rawamangun | Jakarta |
9021 | BNI JKT-Senayan | Jakarta |
9023 | BNI JKT-Harmoni | Jakarta |
9024 | BNI Bekasi-A. Yani | Bekasi |
9025 | BNI Bogor-Juanda | Bogor |
9029 | BNI Serang-Veteran | Serang |
9030 | BNI Operational Head Office Of Cash | Jakarta |
9031 | BNI Tangerang-Daan Mogot | Tangerang |
9035 | BNI Garut-A. Yani | Garut |
9036 | BNI Karawang-Tuparev | Karawang |
9039 | BNI Subang-Otista | Subang |
9040 | BNI Barabai-Murakata | Barabai |
9041 | BNI Tasikmalaya-Mustofa | Tasikmalaya |
9050 | BNI Tarakan-Y. Sudarso | Tarakan |
9056 | BNI BDG-Taman Sari | Bandung |
9060 | BNI Kediri-Brawijaya | Kediri |
9063 | BNI Jember-Sudirman | Jember |
9064 | BNI Banyuwangi-Katamso | Banyuwangi |
9065 | BNI Gresik-Veteran | Gresik |
9070 | BNI Malang-B.Rahmad | Malang |
9071 | BNI Jepara-Pemuda | Jepara |
9072 | BNI Kudus-A. Yani | Kudus |
9073 | BNI Pekalongan-I.Bonjol | Pekalongan |
9074 | BNI Pati-Sudirman | Pati |
9076 | BNI Solo-Slamet Riyadi | Surakarta |
9080 | BNI Probolinggo-Suroyo | Probolinggo |
9082 | BNI Kebumen-Pahlawan | Kebumen |
9083 | BNI Magelang-Pahlawan | Magelang |
9087 | BNI Yogyakarta-Trikora | Yogyakarta |
9090 | BNI Semarang-Mt. Haryono | Semarang |
9095 | BNI Diy-Ugm | Yogyakarta |
9100 | BNI Surakarta-Arifin | Surakarta |
9107 | BNI SBY-Tanjung Perak | Surabaya |
9109 | BNI Bojonegoro-Sudirman | Bojonegoro |
9110 | BNI Sukabumi-Martadinata | Sukabumi |
9111 | BNI Jombang-W. Hasyim | Jombang |
9112 | BNI Mojokerto-Majapahit | Mojokerto |
9113 | BNI Pamekasan-Pnt.Gerbang | Pamekasan |
9116 | BNI Pasuruan-A.Yani | Pasuruan |
9117 | BNI Blitar-Kenanga | Blitar |
9118 | BNI Madiun-Sutomo | Madiun |
9120 | BNI Surabaya-Gub.Suryo | Surabaya |
9121 | BNI SBY-Graha Pangeran | Surabaya |
9130 | BNI Tegal-Soetoyo | Tegal |
9135 | BNI Bukittinggi-P.Kemerdekaan | Bukittinggi |
9138 | BNI Payakumbuh-Veteran | Payakumbuh |
9140 | BNI Cirebon-Y. Sudarso | Cirebon |
9141 | BNI Selatpanjang-Merdeka | Selatpanjang |
9143 | BNI Palembang-Sudirman | Palembang |
9144 | BNI Lubuklinggau-Y.Sudarso | Lubuklinggau |
9145 | BNI Bumi-R. Intan | Bumi |
9147 | BNI Tj.Karang-Kartini | Tanjungkarang |
9150 | BNI Purwokerto-Sudirman | Purwokerto |
9151 | BNI Sungai Penuh-A.Yani | Sungai Penuh |
9152 | BNI Jayapura-A. Yani | Jayapura |
9153 | BNI Bireuen-Johan.Alamsyah | Bireuen |
9155 | BNI P.Sidempuan-Lumumba | Padangsidimpuan |
9156 | BNI Sigli-A.M. Ibrahim | Sigli |
9157 | BNI Asahan-Sudirman | Asahan |
9159 | BNI Tb.Tinggi-Deli | Tebing Tinggi |
9160 | BNI Cilacap-A. Yani | Cilacap |
9165 | BNI Balige-Pn.Nagari | Balige |
9167 | BNI G.Sitoli-I. Bonjol | Gunungsitoli |
9169 | BNI Kabanjahe-Veteran | Kabanjahe |
9170 | BNI BDG-Majalaya | Bandung |
9171 | BNI Makassar-Mattoangin | Makassar |
9173 | BNI Mobagu-Bogani | Mobagu |
9174 | BNI Baubau-Tendean | Bau-Bau |
9177 | BNI Palopo-Sudirman | Palopo |
9178 | BNI Parepare-Sulawesi | Pare-Pare |
9179 | BNI Sengkang | Sengkang |
9184 | BNI Tolitoli-Usm.Binol | Tolitoli |
9185 | BNI Parigi-Trans Sulawesi | Parigi |
9186 | BNI Nunukan-A.Yani | Nunukan |
9189 | BNI Medan-Usu | Medan |
9192 | BNI Baru-Pulau Laut | Baru |
9194 | BNI Ketapang-Merdeka | Ketapang-Kalbar |
9198 | BNI Pangkalan Bun-P.Antasari | Pangkalan Bun |
9199 | BNI Kanwil 08 Denpasar Regional | Denpasar |
9200 | BNI Tuban-B.Rahmad | Tuban |
For a complete list of BNI branch codes in Indonesia, you can visit BNI's official website or inquire directly with customer service.
By understanding BNI's branch code, you can conduct banking transactions more easily and quickly. Always ensure you have the correct branch code to avoid any issues during your transactions.
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