Vostro Account: Definition, Purpose, Examples, and How It Works

rekening vostro pada bank

Last updated on August 13th, 2024 at 09:40 am

In this era of globalization, the concept of Vostro Accounts is becoming increasingly important in facilitating international interbank transactions. Using simple yet profound language, let's explore the definition, purpose, and operations of Vostro Accounts, which form a strong foundation in the world of cross-border banking.

For more information about Vostro Accounts, let's take a look at the detailed explanation below.

What is a Vostro Account?

Vostro Account A Vostro account is a type of account held by a bank of one country in another bank in a different currency. In this context, "Vostro" comes from the Latin word meaning "yours." This account creates a partnership between banks, allowing international transactions to be conducted more efficiently.

What is a Third-Party Account? 

In foreign currency transactions, there are three types of accounts involved. A third-party account, often referred to as a loro account, is where a bank sends foreign exchange funds to another bank to be credited to a third-party bank account, also known as "theirs." 

This practice is rarely implemented and is usually only used in complex syndicated financing situations.

Purpose of Vostro Account

The primary purpose of a Vostro account is to facilitate and optimize international transactions. By having an account in a partner bank, the originating bank can enhance its liquidity and expedite cross-border payment settlements.

Functions of Vostro Account

Fungsi Rekening Vostro mencakup penjagaan dana, penyelesaian transaksi, dan pelaporan keuangan. Bank koresponden bertanggung jawab untuk memproses dan menyelesaikan pembayaran atas nama bank asal serta memberikan laporan berkala tentang aktivitas rekening.

Read Also: Nostro Account

How Vostro Accounts Work

A Vostro Account operates with the originating bank opening an account at a correspondent bank. When an international transaction occurs, the originating bank gives instructions to the correspondent bank to make a payment or receive funds. The correspondent bank then records these transactions in the Vostro Account.

Example of a Vostro Account

For example, Bank A in Indonesia may open a Vostro Account at Bank B in the United States. When a client of Bank A makes an international transfer, Bank B will handle the process and record it in the Vostro Account. This facilitates the completion of cross-border transactions more efficiently.

By understanding the concept, purpose, function, and operation of Vostro Accounts, cross-border banking can run more smoothly, supporting global economic growth.

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