Currency Converter and Exchange Rate Calculator

Limitless transactions, anywhere you go!

Discover a new way to transfer money that is safer, easier, and faster with the Easylink Currency Rate Calculator.
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How to Convert Currency


Use the currency rate calculator located on the right side of your screen.


Select the desired country or currency.


Enter the amount of money you want to convert.


The conversion result will be displayed based on the latest exchange rate.


Why Easylink?

🔒 🛡️ Secure

ISO 270001

ISO 27001 Certification

Easylink is ISO 27001 certified to ensure that its security standards are maintained.


Bank Indonesia Supervision

Easylink transactions are directly supervised by Bank Indonesia, so you don't need to worry.

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Guaranteed Security System

Your data and money are protected by Easylink's advanced security system.

✅ 👌 Easy to Use

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The Easylink app is designed to be user-friendly for everyone. Download the Easylink App

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Simple Process

Every step in the Easylink app is easy to follow, so you can send money abroad quickly and easily.

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Customer Support

Our support team is ready to assist you if you encounter any issues or need help.

🚀 ⏱️ Fast

Quick Transfer

Quick Transfer

The Easylink service is powered by API technology, so you don’t have to wait long to send money to your destination country.

proses pengiriman uang otomatis

Instant Process

The money transfer process is automated, so you won’t have to wait long.

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Real-Time Info

Get real-time updates on the status of your money transfer in the system, so you can track its location directly.


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I am very satisfied with Easylink's service! As someone who often sends money to family abroad, I need a fast and secure service. Easylink really makes the process easy. The exchange rate is good, the fees are transparent, and the money arrives on time. Highly recommended!
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Easylink has completely changed the way I send money abroad. Previously complicated and expensive, now it's easy and fast. The service is top-notch, and I'm happy that it's supervised by Bank Indonesia. It makes me feel at ease every time I make a transaction.
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I often send money to business partners abroad, and Easylink is always my mainstay. The process is fast, the exchange rate is good, and there are no hidden fees. I am very happy to be able to use a safe and reliable service like Easylink. Thank you!
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transactions with Easylink!

Easylink FAQ

What is Easylink?

Easylink is a platform developed by PT. Sahabat Kirim Digital, focusing on overseas transfers and payment solutions for individuals and businesses.

Yes, Easylink is safe to use to help you send money abroad. Because currently Easylink has an official license as a Category 3 Payment Service provider and is also a member of the Indonesian Money Transfer Association (APPUI).

To convert currency you can use the Currency Exchange Rate and Conversion Calculator located on the website. Here are the steps to use it:

  1. Masuk ke dalam laman website
  2. Then, use the exchange rate calculator and currency converter located on the right side of your screen.
  3. Select the country and currency of your desired destination country.
  4. Enter the amount of money you want to convert.
  5. After filling in all the required information, you can see the conversion results directly on the screen, displaying the value of the destination currency based on the current exchange rate.

Currency exchange rates can vary due to several factors such as economic conditions, monetary policy, international trade, political stability, market sentiment, government intervention, global conditions, and speculation in the forex market.

To find out the current rate, you can look at the exchange rate calculator. On the right side of the screen there will be a display of the current rate information.

On the calculator exchange rate Easylink,您可以根据最新汇率计算印尼货币与其他国家之间的汇率。

Admin fees can be seen directly on the Easylink website exchange rate calculator.